My Soulitude

January 2022

Sunday Brunch!

  Sunday brunch it was. Impromptu, loveful, delicious, yum and familial. A cooked staple Punjabi brunch, Rajma rice (chawal). It got everyone out of their rooms, something weekdays and WFH doesn’t allow. Food does bring family together. I made these cute stuck notes for everyone and received them too. Gratitude!  

Bowing to the Sun!

ॐ हराम हरिम ह्रौं सह सूर्याय नमः||” “Om Hraam Hreem Hraum Sah Suryay Namah||” “I bow down to the magnificent Sun God for his divinity and grace.”        

Sweet Nothings!

These two cuties visited a few days ago! Must be wondering when the sun will be out or what to have for dinner. Or may be thinking, ‘Life is beautiful with you.’