My Soulitude

What is life if not the mundane!

What is life if not the day to day passing of time. What is life if not the tasks of mundane.

Making bed while rubbing the sleepy eyes and a shot of black coffee. The beginning of that day again while picking up the newspaper from the door. The milkman and the maids making a swift entry and exit too.

Breakfast, lunch, dinner and meal planning for the days ahead. Garbage in, garbage out, of the house and mind. Whistle of the cooker and whining of the washing machine , and watering the plants.

Exercising, bathing, the daily puja, and millions of minion tasks. Little bit of socialising, albeit forcefully. An afternoon nap, the evening stroll, or post dinner 100 steps. Binge-watching,  or binge-reading (it’s an anomaly these days though).   

Dusk time staring at the sky, and the passing of the cows from 10th floor balcony.

What is life if not the day to day passing of time. What is life if not the tasks of mundane.

(Photo by Amsterdam City Archives on Unsplash)

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