My Soulitude

9 years of marriage!


It feels surreal to celebrate 9th wedding anniversary. Juxtaposed emotions; when did I come this far, and then immediately recalling the 9 years gone by. Like in every journey, happiness and sadness walking side by side.

The younger me has written in vivid details about the wedding and marriage in this blog. This-moment-me wants to keep it sublime and short. The similarity is, both me(s) want to preserve this moment in this blog.

9 years of marriage still feels like a dream. As shaky sometimes as grounded and as dreamy as the reality. I still feel like a girl living with her parents, as much as I feel a wife taking care of home, and balancing two sides of relationships. I still feel a free bird as much as bound by responsibilities. Ours is not a typical traditional marriage in lots of ways, but at the same time it is a traditional one in some ways.

In this tedium, one thing is stable. My intent to live life and this marriage with purity of emotions. With abundance of love in my own way, not what is defined by society. My love means the ability to be ourselves even when in a relationship. To be unabashedly us individually even when we are one.

And this anniversary, I want to thank A (the husband) from the bottom of my heart for letting “me” be “me”. For helping me in finding me by simply being there. I know he doesn’t understand my idiosyncratic life ideologies most of the time but he accepts them wholeheartedly, placing his unconditional trust.

And that’s my biggest taking from these nine years. Today, as we celebrate the day, we both want it to be just love. Only love!




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