My Soulitude

The nest is now empty

The last bird has also flown out of the nest. Yesterday, my brother left for Pune to study for MBA. It was so unexpected. When we had given all hopes of his admission to any good institute, came the call. Just five days and the life changed so much. He packed his bags and left home to explore life on his own. We all are extremely happy for him. He got what he wanted. He struggled a lot after completing his B.Tech degree. So much so that just few days before he received the call, he was going through a tough phase professionally. But happy that life took a dramatic turn and gave him this success. God and his ways have always left me wondering.

The sad part is: Mom and dad are now left alone. It’s not easy to see a home full of people turning into an empty space, to see all almirahs in kids’ room getting empty one by one. When I went, both bro-sis were there, when sis left, bro was there, and now when he has also left, parents are left alone.

I know this is all a part and parcel of life, somewhere we knew this time will come, and I am glad my parents have responded positively. They have shown tremendous strength by adjusting to the changed situation, though my fears will take time to subside. Mom especially has put up quite a brave front. Though she did get emotional many times, but managed to keep her composure at large. Even at the airport, she kept her smile intact. We all kept hiding our moist eyes from one another. I have managed to be with them for some time (some advantage of being bit near to your hometown), but will have to leave sooner or later. I feel weak, thinking how they both will manage. How my mom, who is not used to sit still, will pass her time. How will she manage her health and endless other things. How will she eat alone, something she has never done in ages. Since yesterday, me and mom are alone at home and have not even made a proper meal since then. Just for two, then why to? Dad too will miss him lot, as brother shouldered half of his work. How easily we assume that dad don’t feel much. Yesterday, he was the one who didn’t sleep properly and got up early too.

It will be some time before my parents can adjust to this situation. When me feeling so alone right now being at home with my mom, as dad is away today, how will they bear the silence of the home that once had loud voices coming from all the corners. How will they keep themselves busy when there are no lunch boxes to be packed, no clothes to be washed and kept ready, no one to expect at lunch and dinner, and no child to catch a glimpse of.

But yes they have the satisfaction that their efforts and sacrifices have paid off to assure bright future for their kids. They will have endless phone calls from three corners of the country to tell them to take care and that their kids love them so much and feel proud of the way their parents have brought them up.

Yes, this time will pass too. I am positive that they will pass this test too, as they have passed through many many tough and trying situations in life. God, please give them the strength and happiness in life always. They mean everything to me.

9 thoughts on “The nest is now empty”

  1. Di……. Its was hard to hold back the tears while reading d post…All d concerns and fears came on surface.thats bcoz we have been togter lyk a glue since past many yrs rather since we r born.Its definitely d toughest phase for mom dad…I feel so weak when i think about mom dad..but one should not be weakness for each other, we should be each other’s strength and I must say NEST is not empty………NEST is now Filled with lots of hopes turning into happenings, dreams turning into reality and wishes turning to fulfilments…and the NEST will soon be beaming with life… of dream fulfilment…and MOM DAD will be the super powers driving the birdies to take on the expert flight…. 🙂

    1. Yes, I am sure they will keep enjoying as they have had always, be it bringing up children, the chaos of life, and now some solitude times. lol…what say?

  2. No it can never be empty…:( birdies have jst gone for a flight, an expert flight on which parents have invested their life years.

  3. I have decided to stop following your blog posts..huh ..they disturb me as they bring back the emotions ,I have always eluded(being scared ) forces me to think me of my mom in the midst of my ambitious marathon called life.

    1. Malvika,I understand wat u saying. But, as with everything, we can never be at peace by eluding them. This is a part and paradox of life.

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