My Soulitude

Life reflections and Xmas Eve!

(Image credit: My Soulitude)

It’s an X- mas Eve. A beautiful day in a beautiful month of 2021. The images here were captured around 5 am when the half moon was shining brightly and the dawn was still to surface. The beauty of nature is all pervasive…always, forever, everywhere.

I wish for the same beauty and piousness in my life and of everyone else’s as is felt here. A happy, love-filled and magical life for every little creature on universe.

We all face challenges, battle many demons and strive hard each moment to find our sweet spot in this mercurial world. Every moment needs our best self when we go about our days. Be it managing the house, office, employees, bosses, bills, groceries, running a business, building planes, or dealing with patients, managing customers, and what not. Difference of opinion with the ones you stay and who are a part of your daily routine, holding your fort when debating with colleagues on laptop screens even when seven seas apart, managing things gone wrong unintentionally, and umpteen small challenges keep us on our toes in this mortal life. Not to talk about the inside voices of fear, insecurities, anger, disappointment, loss, hatred and millions other emotions.

Among such lives, it is crucial to steal small moments of ecstasy, joy, happiness, solitude to clear your head and heart. We all have our battles and ways to wade through them. Life is shining one day and hovering towards darkness another day. Do we ever find our place in the pendulum of our lives? When life constantly wrooms from one extreme to another, where to find our balance?

No one knows and yet everyone knows. We all manage somehow, uniquely and independently all the while writing our distinct life stories. We wade through waters stirring our oceans, get lost and find our shores, or not.

This chaos of life comes full circle at year-end when we look back and see where we stand, and look forward. While no one may predict future, we closely hold onto the present moment and hope it unfolds into something beautiful.

Merry Xmas !


5 thoughts on “Life reflections and Xmas Eve!”

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