My Soulitude


What is life if not the mundane!

What is life if not the day to day passing of time. What is life if not the tasks of ...
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The AI me!

Today, I envisioned an imaginary character for myself. Or you could say an AI version of myself, of what all ...
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Numb & Dumb!

The despondency that arises from the non-doing. The meek aggression that follows when the path is unclear. The simmering frustration ...
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Sadness as state of being?

Sometimes I feel sadness is my natural state of being. Or being indifferent. I mean I am not one of ...
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Bridgerton: Good mix of writing & glamour!

(Image credit: The Internet) "So you’ve come to my hiding place. Welcome. Although typically only abject failures and social outcasts ...
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Just Saying!

I open my laptop with an intent and urge to write. By the time it opens, I find myself staring ...
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Flop lunch as father’s day special!

My last post was about mother's day, and coincidentally today is father's day. I realised it only now when I ...
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This or That?

What would you choose? One extreme or the other? Why not a middle path? Or why not both? Does life ...
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How’s 2024 Mother’s Day?

Year 2024. 12th of May. It's Mother's Day today in the cycle of life, and a Sunday.How I feel today?Blessed ...
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The Lost Bookshop!

Yesterday, visited Crosswords and got a new book to read, 'The Lost Bookshop' by Evie Woods. Have you read it? ...
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Stagnant, Stoic or Slow?

Which one are you? One of these, all or none. Wait, is there even a comparison of these words? I ...
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This is enough!

Sometimes, this is enough. An ordinary day, mostly a Sunday. When you simple exist in harmony with your self. Waking ...
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How foolish of me!

(Photo by Mohamed Nohassi on Unsplash) Every morning, I wake up with an urge to do something excellent,Yet every day, ...
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Neither monk nor mundane!

Let me share an embarrassing secret. You know what, I have always found more joy in so-called “frivolous” things of ...
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A day in my life!

(Photo by Boston Public Library on Unsplash) A hospital visit on cards today. For some follow ups of both the ...
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A shaky restart!

Whenever in doubt, start with the heart. That’s where I am going to begin with, with an open and honest ...
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Someone woke me up today!

Not the one to wake up before 9 am these days, I was jostled out of bed today by some ...
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At Crossroads!

Never before, this blog has seen this kind of a lull. Silent. Ignored. Sidelined. While my pain knows no bound, ...
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Something Very Important!

Photo Credit : Art Lasovsky on Unsplash Before You Begin Reading, I Want To Say Something. Are You Are Wishing ...
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Are You Having A Rough Day?

Photo Credit : Avery Cocozziello on Unsplash Are You Having A Rough Day Or Feeling Overwhelmed For No Reason At ...
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Why This Blog? 

Photo Credit : Brett Jordan on Unsplash I Have Grown Up Reading People’s Stories. Stories That Helped Me Navigate Life ...
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Do You Love Yourself Enough? A journey of Selfishness vs Self-Love!

I was selfless to begin with. Always putting others first. After sometime, I felt uneasy, used and unappreciated. Then I ...
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A Pause!

The website is playing hide and seek. It's giving some major never-happened-before issues. So till I fix them all, please ...
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Hard Talk!

Life is not about sunsets and nature only. When it's time, you have to go out in the world and ...
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Swinging, a lost pleasure!

Self Love is swinging. Happened to visit my home after long, and this swing brought back memories of time when ...
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On A Loop!

Self-love is watching 'Good Witch' on a loop. I stumbled upon this feel-good series on Netflix years ago, and since ...
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Leo ‘Full Moon’ today!

"This Leo full moon is ripe with energy to get us out and living again. If we’ve been deep in ...
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Self-Love : Chai and Toast!

Chai and Toast. Simplest pleasure of life that has mammoth power to transform mundane moments into magic. The answer to ...
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Self-Love: Drive, Family Dinner, relationships see-saw!

Today, self love is marked by another drive, a family dinner of 20 and pendulating energies in relationships. The intent ...
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My Self-Love Confessions!

It’s hard to chew but I have found a pattern. Self-love is guilt-ridden. Rarely, sometimes, mostly, but it is. Especially ...
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Slow & Simple Living——My Self-Love ‘S’

Another two ‘S’ in my self-love journey are: Slow life Simple life Which when combined form ‘Slow & Simple’ living ...
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Winters & juicy kinnows!

We are so blessed as a country to have rich local produce that's healthy and yummilicious! The sight of kinnows ...
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‘S’ factor & My Self-Love Story!

Being the love month that February is, Self-Love will have all my love and energy this month. What better way ...
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February—-The Month of (Self) Love!

Second month of the new year is upon us. Some years ago, February was the month when winters would start ...
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Sunday Brunch!

Sunday brunch it was. Impromptu, loveful, delicious, yum and familial. A cooked staple Punjabi brunch, Rajma rice (chawal). It got ...
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Bowing to the Sun!

ॐ हराम हरिम ह्रौं सह सूर्याय नमः||” “Om Hraam Hreem Hraum Sah Suryay Namah||” “I bow down to the magnificent ...
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Sweet Nothings!

These two cuties visited a few days ago! Must be wondering when the sun will be out or what to ...
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Today, home places me together!

While there are days (like this) when I walk in a loop around my house looking after it, there are ...
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I am home while NASA reaches new horizons!

(Holiday Humour) I wonder how do people achieve so much in life? Don't they have homes? Most of my waking ...
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Dusk-time scenes!  

It’s dusk time. I am standing in my balcony after a futile wait for the sun. There’s a lane adjacent ...
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“I am learning to live between effort and surrender. I do my best and hope for what I want but I ...
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It’s a January day & it’s a Sunday!

It’s a January day and it’s a Sunday, Solitude has a meaning, Even though it’s dark, raining & freezing.   ...
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Everyday Stories!

Why I write these everyday stories here in the blog and in my diary. How I got up, spent the ...
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Slice of Life!

What do you do when the Sun god shows up after more than 10 days off: Surya namaskar, sun bathing, ...
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Do you agree?

When you stand up for yourself, relationships are the first to fall! ...
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Have you met yourself lately?

Have you met yourself lately? Today, yesterday, or a fortnight ago? How are you doing? How are the matters of ...
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Anniversary it was!

It was a day of love that left a fragrance, The smell still wafts through the house, Of numerous laughs ...
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9 years of marriage!

It feels surreal to celebrate 9th wedding anniversary. Juxtaposed emotions; when did I come this far, and then immediately recalling ...
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A Sunday in January!

A Sunday in January is foggy and cold. It smells of warm sweaters ----- freshly washed, and the warmth of ...
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Asserting myself minus the hurt!

"Do you want to eat something?" asked my friend after we were done shopping in a mall. "Umm...only if you ...
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Happy Lohri! Celebrate Life, Celebrate You!

Festivals are a great way to celebrate life, and our country is a shining example of cherishing every season. Today, ...
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Soft Words & Harsh Truth!

"I have a fetish for words spoken softly, They love to speak the truth, I learned to hear the truth, ...
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Just a moment!

An ordinary day, a simple pleasure of life. Gratitude! ...
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What does it mean to ‘Be Yourself’?

In my last post, I shared how I wish to be myself in this world full of infinite influences. But ...
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What is one virtue you wish to imbibe this year?

“How I wish I could be like them.” How many times have you wondered this while being in awe of ...
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On Cloud Nine!

Words are futile today. They hold no power over what I felt when I saw today's sky. Beyond anything. Just ...
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(Images credit: Mysoulitude) As the sun go down, as the day transforms into night, as the clouds take & change ...
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New year and my 11-year-old blog!

The new year is here. It does bring in some fresh energy and a chance to rewire our lives. My ...
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Life reflections and Xmas Eve!

It's an X- mas Eve. A beautiful day in a beautiful month of 2021. The images here were captured around ...
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Thoughts one fine evening!

(Image credit: The Internet) The sun has set. The dusk time is about to occur. A chopper with a husky ...
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On the loop!

If I have my way, my every post would be about the beauty of autumn and the sun, the sky, ...
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Sunday Solitude!

Rarely, there are Sundays that are spent in solitude. Today was one of those. Solitude and plenty of time reigned ...
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When my happy post drowns in sorrow!

You are beaming with joy. The sun is shining and so is your soul. You open the laptop and begin ...
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December feels! Small Joys in Oversized Sweater!

My oversized sweater wraps small joys. All for the month of december. Sweat-free existence, walk in the sun, the fog ...
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Empty hands but not an empty life!

Empty hands. They say we came empty-handed and will bid adieu the same way. Metaphorically, that's  true. All that we ...
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It’s Changing!

The picture gives away the ambience at home these days. The subtle changes around are hard to miss. My wardrobe ...
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House Was Home, Yet Again!

He came back home after a long day at work. Must be around 8 pm when he rang the bell ...
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October’s sweet chill warms the heart!  

  It’s that time of the year again. The woollens are to be shown the sun, the cotton ones need ...
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A Glass and a Joker’s Pain!

The Pain of a Broken Glass! Today was no different than yesterday. I got up with the same resolve to ...
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Change of scenes!

One moment you are here, another there. To live calmly amidst frequent life changing scenes is a life skill that ...
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The Girl Who Loved Sunset!

Once there was a girl who loved sunsets. She would walk up the stairs of her home in the evening ...
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Permanence of the impermanence!

Knowing what life entails is some times not enough to chew on when it actually happens. Being aware of its ...
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Once there was a girl!

Once there was a little girl. She was happy, dancing in gay abandon under the blue sky. She was passing ...
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Full Moon!

After Mindful August, here we are after spending 20 days in oblivion. The silver lining is, today is the day ...
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August Closes Mindfully!

Mindful Living: Day 31 "Gyaan" or Knowledge helps us walk any life path better with an evolved sense of being ...
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Deadlines…The Dead…Festivals!

Mindful Living: Day 28 Deadlines do deserve the place they have been accorded. They look brutal from outside and have ...
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Are you present in the present?

Mindful living: Day 26 Being in the moment is becoming increasingly difficult for me. On the outside it may look ...
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Same same but different!

Mindful Observation: Day 24 To bring about a change needs a lot of efforts, subtle or prominent, over a long ...
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Potpourri of Emotions!

Mindful Observation: Day 20 Things keep falling off your closet or kitchen cabinet or any random place in house when ...
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The balance of fasting!

Mindful Observation: Day 18 Limitation creates fantasy. Abundance sets you free. Is this true? On any given day, I may ...
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Productiveness eludes! Failure pricks!

Mindful Observation: Day 16 Productiveness is not synonymous with me. Whiling away time is my second nature. After numerous unsuccessful ...
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Mindful Observation: Day 15 Someone very close is ill. Reeling under fever since last three months and not an iota ...
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Comfort or slow living?

Mindful observation : Day 14 Slow living has been a charm ever since I remember. Lately, with Covid times upon ...
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Shopping—–Need or want?

Mindful Observation- Day 13 Most of the times, I don't shop if I take a day's (or few hours') break ...
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Moving circle of life! Then and here…

Mindful Observation: Day 10 Procrastination is a serious threat. It is a strong deterrent in way of achieving the life ...
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Distraction vs Observation!

Mindful Observation: Day 9 Distraction is easier than observation. Who doesn't know that? Still, when mind is disturbed, watching TV ...
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Death & Everything Thereafter!

Mindful Observation: Day 7 How to function in a social gathering in the event of a death is still a ...
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Mindful Observation------Day 6 Even today, writing r & i; i & l, and e & r in one word is ...
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Accepting a NO!

Mindful Observation ------Day 5 I am learning to say "No," setting my boundaries. But how well do I know to ...
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Balancing Life!

August 3 post got a miss due to a death in the family, and today's mindful observation stems from yesterday's ...
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Fighting the Feeling!

(Image credit : The Internet) Mindful observation -------Day 2 Have been trying to fight a feeling since morning. No matter ...
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August Company!

I have decided to begin the month of august in an august company. Whose? Mine! Me with my 'Self'. Though I ...
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Silence & Words!

Somehow, words fail me (ahh, well mostly). I take cover under silence but that too doesn't always work. In my ...
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The ‘why’ that never ends!

Everyday you have to reinforce your beliefs, in yourself and your choices. It's a daily ritual. To live the way ...
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Clarity or the lack of it!

I have often struggled with clarity in some extraneous aspects of my life. I understood late that while these irrelevant ...
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Mind vs heart!

The mind wants it all. Money, home, clothes, footwears, gadgets, luxury, travel and all material success the world has to ...
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A solitary and silent afternoon. Amidst sounds of nature. The wind caressing the face, leaves ruffling, birds chirping and a ...
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When someone departs…

The ground beneath the feet shakes every time someone departs, and yet here I stand stagnant, scratching the surface. Refusing ...
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If you mistook me for dead, you did the right thing. I am showing up here after almost two months ...
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First week, of solitude and hospitality!

Ill health, antibiotic course, bed, solitude, TV, and family care (when required) sums up first three days of my new ...
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My tyrst with solitude!

[the_ad_placement id="sidebar-widget"] Like all of you I had plans for new year. Either it will be celebrated at home with ...
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What am I reflecting upon on last day of 2020 !

It’s hard to skip introspection and reflection on the last day of the year. As it is, December 31 floods ...
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Merry X-mas! The year has come full circle

(Video credit: All preparations by the sister and brother) From 2018 Xmas to last year's X-mas to this year's, which ...
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What’s rumbling in head?

Over the last few days, head has been abuzz with more thoughts than the usual. Even while sleeping, mashed up ...
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Thank you 2020 for the biggest gift!

Taking forward from the last post, the "saag" was gorged on with “makki” roti and “lassi”, and lots of people ...
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The dusk glory!

What is the culmination of a day lived well? Watching the sun set and witnessing a beautiful night take over ...
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The House Smells of Winters!

The house smells of winters, which are associated with “saag,” a mixed greens delicacy made in northern India. A, the ...
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This is what I posted two years ago today!

Kartik Purnima: Why do we light oil lamps? Just happen to look at this post as it showed in my ...
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Perfection or Naturalness?

What is it that you prefer? For me, naturalness has always won over perfection. Every blog post that I write ...
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The winters have arrived!

It's that time of the year again. The winters have arrived and brought along immense joy and happiness, as always ...
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Haven’t known loneliness for a really long time. For may be around two years or so. Since the time we ...
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Preserving the moment!

Sitting in a room having a huge window overlooking the highway. Some cars, bus honks, trucks, two-wheelers, and trees and ...
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What’s your state of mind?

So, life is good, isn't it? Most of the things in life are well placed, aren't they? Barring a few ...
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It’s Sunday!

Sunday is synonymous with breaking any routine what so ever. Late start of the day, no office vibes around, relaxation, ...
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An early morning, again!

The day has just begun. It's 9.20 am only. But seems like I have lived an eternity. In the two ...
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High tea today!

This is what our evening tea, high tea for us, looked like today. All thanks to sweet sister for one ...
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What it is to be Aimless?

[the_ad_placement id="sidebar-widget"] What a tag to own. Aimless. How can you even be? Aimless. Everyone has an aim in life ...
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Some days are just that, Productive!

Some days are a breeze. Like today. You get up early after a sound sleep, without alarm. Just because your ...
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Simple joys of an ordinary life!

Sunny afternoon, a slow day, reading in bed, azure sky outside with white clouds shining through, serene greens to soothe ...
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The Dawn!!!

And then, there is a new dawn, Bringing bright light, and cheerful smiles. A fresh perspective, Washing away the pain ...
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The pain of a broken heart, The hurt of failed relationships, The hollowness of misunderstandings, The breaking of trust, The ...
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Maa ka Pyaar

Rice kheer, made by mom today, and sent to me. With so much love and thought, like always. In India, ...
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Life is beautiful!

Life is beautiful! Even when the post you had written titled "Life is beautiful" is not saved, and you lose ...
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Random Thoughts In My Head!

[the_ad_placement id="sidebar-widget"] My every day thought these days. Life is passing by, how best can I live it. Ever since ...
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What is the opposite of ‘Joy of Anticipation?’

'Joy of Anticipation.' In simpler words, to feel happy before the actual happy event or process takes place. What is ...
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Long absence is totally my thing!

Being absent from the blog for so long is totally my thing. That is if anyone cares or has been ...
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An unjust world!

The thing pestering me these days. My ugly artwork always turns out to be a masterpiece. And the artwork I ...
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News that cheer!

News is not my favourite genre these days except for such random tid bits that add a little spark to ...
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Where can I buy my happiness? Will you give me happiness?

[the_ad_placement id="sidebar-widget"] 1.3 billion pulsating hearts in 3.287 million km square. In this vast expanse of mankind and our temporal ...
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Is it so?

Me: God, thank you for such wonderful life. Thank you for all the blessings. God: Oh really! Is it? Has ...
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Life! My obsession for this word and subject still remains that----an obsession. Ever since I started journaling, a fancy term ...
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The awakening!

The dawn is here and we sleep! The sun rises and we sleep! The birds chirp and we sleep! The ...
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The 40th birthday in lockdown!

The 40th birthday was pretty decent. Just what one can expect during lockdown and covid scare. A cake was cut ...
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Life at 40!

When I was young (read 20), I often used to wonder how life would be at 40. What would I ...
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Life is Music!!!

Random musing on a windy Sunday!!! ...
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Buddha Purnima—–Silence is Supreme!!!!

It was Buddha Purnima yesterday, a day that has always been special. It usually falls in the month of May, ...
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Life is locked, the mind free, Situation is stagnant, but feelings waver. Some days are bright, others rot without light ...
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I am a dreamer! Period!

I am a dreamer! Period. And it ends at that. Meaning, I just dream and leave the rest for existence ...
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Pandemic, Hunger and Survival!

It’s difficult being in a Quarantine bubble right now. The Tv screens share some of the ground realities every then ...
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Corona Lockdown: Every day is a criss-cross of gratitude and guilt!

Hope everyone is doing fine! The work from home has been extended till May 3. So you better start making ...
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Work From Home After Corona Scenario!

Hi, Hope all of you are doing fine at whatever space you are occupying on this planet. How is Work-From-Home ...
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WFM: The freedom to work from on/under a chair!

Hi all! I hope/pray/ am sure all of you are staying indoors and taking all the precautions against Corona virus ...
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Namaste! Welcome to My Work-From-Home World!

Suddenly and ironically, I find myself having a lot of company in the last few days. Isolation and quarantine are ...
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Summer to Spring!

The ecstasy of the soul. The dance of the inside. The joy of a witness. The spring in steps. The ...
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Bye-bye winters! Miss you already!

Camouflaged beautifully in winters, the extra inches and bulges seek revenge in summers by jumping out from every nook and ...
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Love In The Times of Social Media

Yes, it’s 14th Feb today and yes, the social media is buzzing with love messages and love notes, and hard ...
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Act of Drying Clothes —– How It Became My Dream Job from a Mere Dreary Task!

Is My Life Different Than My Naani?----- Part 4 Do you remember this from one of my previous posts on ...
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Is My Life Different Than My Naani? Take 3—Solutions on Board!

  It was long ago this post was written “Is my life different than my naani? The point may have ...
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Happy 2020, here I am!

Happy 2020 is here! Precisely four months ago, I had written the last post. Consistency is not my forte apart ...
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Is my life different than my naani? Take 2

Confronting bitter truths, in public or solitude, is uneasy. It leads to a lot of dust all around, and questions, ...
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Is my life different than my Naani?

“You don’t know how to hang clothes for drying properly,” my Naani ma (maternal grandmother) once said to me. The ...
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Fitness Fairy Tale: Romance Gone Wrong!

[wp_ad_camp_1] A beginning was made today on the path long lost and forgotten. My health. It seemed as if my ...
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What to do next!!!

[wp_ad_camp_1] [wp_ad_camp_2] [wp_ad_camp_3] ...
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The life is strolling by

[wp_ad_camp_1] The life is strolling by, And I am just a stander-by, Though aiming quite high, To value my presence ...
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Do you know of a place where you are always a child? Even at 39!

The tiffin is tightened. Double wrapped for extra protection. A spoon slided in side. Some fruits for nourishment, of body ...
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Can ‘being lost’ be a happy space!

[wp_ad_camp_1] Taking it forward from the last post, I ask again. Have you ever felt lost and not found? How ...
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Lost, and not found!

[wp_ad_camp_1] Lost in the woods. Sounds so glamorous, no? Is being lost as glamorous as the phrase sounds. Have you ...
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I Want To Break Free!

[wp_ad_camp_1] I want to break free... Of this world, and its fixed ways, Of its rituals and rigidness, Of its ...
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tea, Anyone

Tea, Anyone? How do you reply to this quotidian question!

The Other Voice (From Kitchen): Tea, Anyone? Me: Yes, Yes, definitely! The Other Voice (Sometime later): Tea, Anyone? Me: Yes, ...
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What if ?

What If? What if your life was not what it is now?

[wp_ad_camp_1] "What if?" What if your life was not what it is now? Have you ever asked yourself this quintessential ...
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What is a happy life? Are you leading one?

Is there ever a life that is settled and sorted? In all aspects? Or at least the basic ones that ...
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Did I shut the sun out?

The sun has been shining intermittently. The clouds have been hovering for a while. Seems, both are reliving their childhood, ...
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The Summer of 2019!

In the last post, we talked about Spring, metaphorically. How about Summers today? Do you love Summers? Well, I do ...
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Decaying, yet hope springs eternal!!!

I know, I know. This blog is decaying, akin to an unwatered plant. Dying in neglect. Doesn't it happen often ...
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5 Reasons Why Sunday HT Brunch Was Special!

Reading Sunday HT Brunch magazine is one of my favorite indulgences on any given Sunday. This is nothing new though ...
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Wedding Snippets

Weddings, specifically family weddings, are great entertainers. The most beautiful part is the love and longing shared by the bride ...
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Mumbai holidays: sipping tea at the sea

Mumbai Holidays Anniversary: What i feel an year later!

Last year on same date, I began my Mumbai diaries aka holidays ✈️ that became my bestest ever for the ...
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I wonder why...

Sometimes I wonder why!

I wrote some words and left them to dry. When I came back, they had lost their meaning. I wondered, ...
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Made In heaven web series

‘Made In Heaven’ Breaks The Mould!

'Made In Heaven', the latest Indian web series to dot the digital landscape, has left me wanting for more. Such ...
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Afternoons spent with father

Notes on a Sunny Afternoon!

Afternoon! Ah! What a privileged part of the day to be in. The morning rush has subsided, life’s flurry has ...
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Think Big This Valentine’s Day!!! Only for Married Ones!

Happy Valentine's Day A. What do you want me to come up with after six years of marriage 🙂 Loved ...
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Life! That Ever Elusive & Mysterious Journey!

Is there a need to define life? The year 2019 has begun on a rough patch. I have hit a ...
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Random Musings On Life!

Do you live a well-planned life? The moment I plan my life, life outplays me. It would be no exaggeration ...
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2019: Day I

New beginnings bring out the best intentions. We all want to start afresh. We want to be more happy, more ...
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My most precious gift of the year-end!

Do you know what is the most precious gift I get at the year-end? Any guesses? Okay, I will drop ...
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It was indeed a merry merry X-Mas because…

  One, we didn't plan anything and yet everything went perfectly well, which is a rarity. In a usual scenario, ...
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Merry X-Mas!

Wishing you all a happy and merry X-Mas. May you have plenty of reasons to celebrate life. Pictures below are ...
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Kartik Purnima: Why do we light oil lamps?

While researching the basis of lighting oil lamps or diyas on Kartik Purnima, I came across this very informative article ...
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Happy Diwali!

Wish you all a very happy Diwali. Gorge on sweets, share meals, elongate your tea times, pray together, experience gratitude, ...
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Happy Karwa Chauth: To that magical, lovable and imperfect love!

Love is magical. Love is eternal. Love is a symphony of two souls destined to walk together. Love makes every imperfect ...
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When nuclear families become joint again! When desire to dress up froth again! When life becomes life again!

Festive season is here, spreading the spiritual and celebratory aura all around. I am sure for most of us in ...
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Irony of life!

The day I decide to start eating healthy and lose some weight, the same day my mom decides to plate ...
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Durga Ashtami, Spirituality & Selfishness

As good as it may be to be selfless, spiritual journey begins with a smidgen of selfishness. No, absolute selfishness ...
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‘Nappily Ever After’

‘You never let someone’s negative opinion of you become your reality.’ What an amazing thought! This line has stayed with ...
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My biggest life lesson!

We all have been there, be it the worst times or the worst mistakes, or both. Both are terrible, lonely, ...
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Writer’s Block!

Writing about a writer's block is better than not writing at all.  ― Charles Bukowski, The Last Night of the Earth Poems ...
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Happy Janamashtami!

Hey, this is my first time writing a post from mobile. Don't know why but i am not comfortable typing ...
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It’s raining, it’s Sunday and that makes it a fun day!

Rains, rains and rains! It's been pouring since morning, on a Sunday morning, what an eclectic mix that makes it ...
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Moving home and my dream of Jeannie!

I have been dreaming of Jeannie, every day and every night, since the time I last blogged. I have been ...
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Every house has a story! (Har ghar kuch kehta hai)!

It’s time to manoeuvre life’s turn again. To leave behind the known turf, a few known faces and more fewer ...
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Monsoon and Rains: When heart gets mushy again!

When the sky is dark during the day, When it’s monsoon time and you try to make hay! When you ...
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Are you there, anyone?

I don’t know if I have readers yet. There are likes and views, but comments are still a far-away fantasy ...
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When Malgudi Days came alive three decades later!

The irony was palpable. Sitting in an air-conditioned room, eyes glued to a large screen LED TV fitted with Firestick, ...
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Mumbai Diaries Finale: Auto ride, Prithvi theatre and an evening at iconic Taj!

Last leg of Mumbai travel was one of the best experiences of my life filled with contrasting explorations. It started ...
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Mumbai Diaries III: The disappointing part of my travel tales

Khandala and Lonavala were a disappointment chiefly because I visited there in the peak of summers. And when I say ...
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A daughter’s B+ Bond with Pyare Papa!

There is a joke in the family. The B+ joke. Father and I both share B+ blood group, and are ...
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Mumbai Diaries II: Malls, Home-stay & Long Stretches of Free Time on Platter

After spending the first day in Mumbai making beautiful memories and experiencing myriad colours of life, the second day was a ...
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Soak in the silence of senses before words take over, yet again!

Birthday celebrations were an eclectic mix of rituals, blessings, solitude, togetherness, love, beauty and lesser degrees of Celsius in the ...
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B’day Reflections

Birthday is an opportune time to sit back and evaluate. How well you are doing in this play of life ...
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Mumbai Travel Diaries

Mumbai holidays were great fun! A lifetime of memories and unbridled time with family. Something, I will always cherish. Here ...
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Mumbai, Here I Come!

Let me warn you beforehand. This post may not interest you because there is nothing great in it. It’s just ...
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When love for cooking sprouts!

Sometimes, just sometimes, when I cook with all my heart! ...
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Are you a solitude-seeker?

(credit: Read an interesting blog post a few days ago about Introversion. The blogger wrote about her need for ...
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Sridevi—-The day began with a sad news!

Woke up to a very heavy, depressing, unbelievable and indigestible piece of news. Every other day, her pictures were seen ...
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My Valentine’s Days—From 2013 to 2018

I want to confess, writing about/on Valentine's Day seems bit odd. The way I associated with it few years ago ...
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Month of February—-When All Mundane Things Become Magical!

Hello February! I am glad you are here again! I love you so much. You make me happy, you make ...
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Torquent per conubia nostra

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi ...
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Interdum magna augue eget

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi ...
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Metus vitae pharetra auctor

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi ...
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Praesent libro se cursus ante

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi ...
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Litora torqent per conubia

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi ...
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Neque adipiscing an cursus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi ...
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Vestibulum sapin prin quam

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi ...
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Duis sagitis ipsum prasent

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi ...
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Tortor neque adpiscing diam

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi ...
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Sociosqu ad litora torquent

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi ...
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Velusce suscipit quis luctus

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi ...
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Class aptent taciti sociosqu

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi ...
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He turns 3 today, the youngest member of our family!

I have introduced you to most of my family members by now. May be not directly but indirectly by rumbling ...
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Do you agree?

Read this beautiful piece in today's newspaper and thought of sharing it with you. And no, it's not the only reason ...
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How I Met The Love of My Life – II

By now, you all know how I met the love of my life two years ago. What you don’t know ...
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Why I Cannot Be Rich!

After more than 3 decades of my existence on this earth, I am finally convinced that I cannot be rich ...
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How I Met The Love of My Life!

It was a usual day. Same life, same people but with an unusual excitement in the heart and a feeling ...
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God’s plans are always better than ours!

What an eventful year it has turned out to be. It was one hell of a roller coaster ride, the ...
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When life gives you lemon…make lemonade!

Life is all about learning what the title of the post says, 'How to turn obstacles into an opportunity', and ...
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I have love all around me!

Today is Valentine's Day. Don't know if you had expected a post from me or no, but I expected one ...
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A B’day that was!

B’day celebrations lasted a bit long this time. Not much fanfare but yes, a quiet celebration with the ones who ...
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Happy New Year!

Thanks to all of you who bothered to read my blog. Today, on the first day of this 2012, I ...
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Farewell to 2011

The year is about to end, but I didn’t want it to end this way for my blog, neglected and ...
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Chithi Na Koi Sandes, Jaane Who Kaun Sa Des, Jahan Tum Chale Gaye

Jagjit Singh died. I still can’t believe it. Watching TV, tributes being paid to him by all on TV and ...
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First rakhi away from brother!

First to this link, one of my fav songs... It's  dedicated to the beautiful relationship Phoolon ka taaro ka....... This ...
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Back after long silence, just for you friends!

Hi everyone, hope u all doing well. Sorry for such a long silence. Was too engrossed in dealing with the ...
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The nest is now empty

The last bird has also flown out of the nest. Yesterday, my brother left for Pune to study for MBA ...
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My father- Epitome of generosity!

Dad, the sweetest, the humblest human being I have seen on this earth. Always helpful, always accommodating, always giving in ...
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AC, AC, AC, why are you an AC?

Next World War is going to be fought on AC, I am telling you. If you have started smiling and ...
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Yippie, I’m one-month-old

Today, my blog is one-month old. It’s the first milestone so to say though I don’t think there will be ...
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Shocked & shattered!

What happens when someone breaches your trust? What happens when someone steps into the forbidden territory, a space too close ...
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Mom, you mean a world!

The Mother's Day is over and so is all the excitement and commercialisation associated with the day. It feels good ...
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Wedding fun and run!

Wedding in the family is always fun. The halla-gulla associated with the whole event makes it so anticipated, cherished and ...
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Eye-opener: An essay on parrot!

An essay on parrot, how easy it sounds. Isn't it? So, please try, yes, yes, try, writing an essay for ...
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Peep into my life!

Since I am a new kid (grown-up) on the blog, let me give you a sneak-peek into my life. I ...
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Benign beginning!

Hi All, Welcome to my blog. It's been long that I wanted to start one. I read other people's blog ...
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