My Soulitude

Wedding fun and run!

Wedding in the family is always fun. The halla-gulla associated with the whole event makes it so anticipated, cherished and enjoyable. So is the state of my mind at the moment, as my cousin is getting married on May 6. More than that, it’s the excitement of seeing my sister, who will be coming from Mumbai for the wedding after many many months. Everyday, long calls are made, discussing and planning for things to be done, stuff to be worn and sharing the usual excitement of being together as a family.

Though I try to keep everything at the minimal, still there’s so much to shop and hop around. Clothes, footwear, bags, the perfect piece of earrings, neck wears, kajal, eyeliner, lipstick, lipgloss, nail polish, nail remover, the bracelet, bangles, the blush-on, did I still forget something??? (Please lemme know, there’s still some time.) Then, these things have to be paired with different dresses for different occasions, so have to arrange them accordingly.

Add to it that I am a week-end guest at home, half of my stuff is lying at home, half with me at my room, and the two twains never meet. If the suit is here, the dupatta is there, if the top is here, the trousers is there.

Besides, going by my track record, I am sure that when the time comes to get ready for the occasion, half of the stuff will be borrowed by relatives, half of it will be broken and some lost. Then, I know that no matter what, my sister will keep her stuff in my handbag. “Hey, you are carrying a handbag, can you JUST keep my handkerchief, my kajal, my lipper in your bag,” is her trademark line.

So, you see it’s no cakewalk to attend a wedding. Though my bags have been packed and stuffed and zipped with the help of four friends, some things are still left behind, as I have no space to accommodate them. Sigh!

And when we’ll load the stuff in the car while going, dad will ask, “Itna saamaan, ghar basana hai kya?” Well, he doesn’t know, it’s just the tip of iceberg. And as is God’s plan with every perfect setting, I will be working late in office two days before going for the wedding.

Wish me luck!

8 thoughts on “Wedding fun and run!”

  1. Gurpreet Singh

    What a intersting Blog di.. 🙂
    Aapne doosri di k secrets bhi likh diya he he he ..
    after reading this blog i hope di will carry her own handbag 🙂

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