My Soulitude

Buddha Purnima—–Silence is Supreme!!!!



It was Buddha Purnima yesterday, a day that has always been special. It usually falls in the month of May, which is my birthday month. Of all the festivals that I celebrate, this has made more sense than any other. To sit silently and revel in my being. As a youngster, the day was simply special without meaning. As I grew older, I started observing a certain sense of uneasiness. Every purnima felt tough emotionally. Some say there is heightened awareness but that is hearsay to me. I am yet to feel the pleasantness of the day except for the beautiful, ethereal, shining moon in the sky.

I make a small effort to sit silently and that’s about it. Rest, its existence. Like every year, this time too, I seek his blessings and grace to remain consistent in my journey to find the true self.

Wishing you all a belated happy Buddha Purnima!!!


An excerpt from Osho before I end this post.

“Buddha stands alone, totally for freedom. Without freedom man cannot know his ultimate mystery; chained he cannot move his wings into the sky and cannot go into the beyond. Every religion is chaining people, keeping some hold on them, not allowing them to be their original beings, but giving them personalities and masks – and this they call religious education.

Buddha does not give you any religious education. He wants you simply to be yourself, whatever it is. That is your religion – to be yourself. No man has loved freedom so much. No man has loved mankind so much. He would not accept followers for the simple reason that to accept a follower is to destroy his dignity. He accepted only fellow travelers. His last statement before dying was, “If I ever come back, I will come as your friend.” Maitreya means the friend. India could not understand Gautam Buddha for this simple reason: it thinks that to sit silently, just being, is worthless. You have to do something, you have to pray, you have to recite mantras, you have to go to some temple and worship a manmade god. “What are you doing sitting silently?” And that is the greatest contribution of Gautam Buddha: that you can find your eternity and your cosmic being only if you can sit silently, aimlessly, without any desire and without any longing, just enjoying being – the silent space in which thousands of lotuses blossom. In this silence, in this emptiness, in this quantum leap from mind to no-mind, you have entered a different space which is neither outer nor inner but transcendental to both.”


16 thoughts on “Buddha Purnima—–Silence is Supreme!!!!”

  1. Very great message..will try to follow this unique path to understand the power of silence . God bless u dear

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