My Soulitude

How’s 2024 Mother’s Day?

Year 2024. 12th of May. It’s Mother’s Day today in the cycle of life, and a Sunday.

How I feel today?

  • Blessed to have my mother. 
  • There is no one like a mother. 
  • When nothing works in life, having a mother does. 
  • She’s the only person in the world who knows when you are alone in this world. 
  • She will be there for you when you yell at her to go away. 
  • She has been through the journey that you are undertaking now. 
  • She understands what it is to be a woman in a household. 
  • She understands you like no other. 

I called and messaged my mother the first thing in the morning. Also, my mother-in-law.

Mother's Day (Image credit: The Internet)

Sent a cake and ice-cream respectively to both of them through Zomato, and a video message by actor Neena Gupta, via the same app. Lol. It was amusing to see the promo by Zomato.  (It’s not a sponsored post, just what my day is like.) 

I haven’t met my mother yet, though she stays in the same society. Oh, it’s 4.30 pm to give you a perspective. Probably because I met her yesterday night, and am looking forward to see her again in the evening today for cake-cutting. God willing. 

The day is also special because my 3-year-old nephew came visiting yesterday to meet his daadi (my mother) for a few days. He stays in Gurgaon. It’s his summer holidays.

So, my mum is busy with him, and I know she is having a fuller house today with my visiting brother-bhabhi and sister and father in the same house. I can breathe easy knowing she is in safe hands and house. Once they all are busy, I will have to make sure she is not alone for longer stretch of time. 

For today, I am in my home without a worry. Till God wills. All his grace to bestow us with this time, moment by moment. 

Called my massi and chachi also to wish them Mother’s day.

I love my mother

(Pic credit: The Internet)

And yes, mum has made Rajma Chawal that I will eat in the evening. Her best feeling in the world is to cook food for family, they enjoying it and praising it length and breath. Nothing gives her more pleasure than this.

May she continue to immerse herself in this pleasure and may we continue to enjoy her hand-made food, year after year.




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