My Soulitude



  A solitary and silent afternoon. Amidst sounds of nature. The wind caressing the face, leaves ruffling, birds chirping and a tubewell watering the fields. Life going by, as usual. Without much fanfare. A breath taken, a breath thrown out, and everything in between.

The Dawn!!!

And then, there is a new dawn, Bringing bright light, and cheerful smiles. A fresh perspective, Washing away the pain of the night, Healing the heart, and clearing the mind. The pain has subsided, the soul longs to connect again, For it is its true nature, To forgive and forget, And move ahead along the …

The Dawn!!! Read More »

Afternoons spent with father

Notes on a Sunny Afternoon!

Have you ever spent a sunny & silent afternoon, contemplating life? I have, more than often. Today was one such day spent with “Pyare Papa”, secretly cherishing the much prized, his
physical presence, in my life!